
    Supervision for Forensic Practitioners

    Retail Price: $89.23

    Our Price: $75.34 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $13.89 (16%)

    This text is aimed at all those working in forensic settings who have direct contact with the perpetrators and victims of crime and is written for both those new to supervision and those with many years’ experience.

    Constructive Clinical Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Retail Price: $103.11

    Our Price: $89.23 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $13.88 (13%)

    Constructive Clinical Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy articulates a practical, theoretical approach to supervision that integrates salient elements of a number of diverse but complementary theoretical perspectives from the fields of human development, psychotherapy, and clinical supervision to assist in facilitating supervisee growth and change from a constructivist framework.

    Supervising the Counsellor and Psychotherapist: A cyclical model (3rd Edition)

    Retail Price: $73.36

    Our Price: $61.46 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.90 (16%)

    The book charts the development of the supervisor as he or she moves through making the transition from therapist to supervising the work of others and includes consideration of the advanced competencies required to supervise experienced practitioners. This third edition brings a number of contemporary perspectives to a well-known and widely respected core text for the training and development of supervisors.

    Effective Supervision for the Helping Professions

    Retail Price: $73.36

    Our Price: $61.46 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $11.90 (16%)

    This work examines the practical skills needed for setting up a programme of supervision and the theoretical knowledge required.

    Practical Supervision: How to Become a Supervisor for the Helping Professions

    Retail Price: $39.65

    Our Price: $33.70 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.95 (15%)

    Concise and jargon-free, this introduction to supervision is ideal for new supervisors in social and health care, early years services, psychology, coaching and therapies of all kinds, as well as and students on supervision training courses.

    Getting the Most from Supervision: A Guide for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

    Retail Price: $69.39

    Our Price: $63.44 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $5.95 (9%)

    This book fills a gap by focusing on what supervisees need to bear in mind in order for the process of supervision to be both constructive and productive.

    Creative Supervision Across Modalities: Theory and applications for therapists, counsellors and other helping professionals

    Retail Price: $59.48

    Our Price: $51.54 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.94 (13%)

    Creative methods can bring depth and new perspectives to the supervision process. This book proposes that a firm understanding of supervision theory is the vital foundation to utilising the power of creativity in reflection and learning, and demonstrates that these creative approaches are applicable across disciplines, providing useful reflective tools across and beyond the arts therapies.

    Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy: A Guide for the Supervisee

    Retail Price: $63.44

    Our Price: $53.53 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.91 (16%)

    Getting the Best Out of Supervision in Counselling & Psychotherapy does exactly what it says on the tin! Supervision is an essential part of counselling training and ensuring you know exactly how to get the very most out of supervision is important, whatever their level of study.

    Supervision in Psychodrama: Experiential Learning in Psychotherapy and Training

    Retail Price: $109.06

    Our Price: $100.15 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $8.91 (8%)

    Supervision plays an essential role in the process of learning and professional development in psychotherapy and training. High quality in supervision is a crucial part of the training to support and to guide trainees and to be a reliable point of reference in terms of practice and theory, technical and methodological standards, ethical issues, research and evaluation. Therefore, the main purpose of this book is to share ways of doing supervision in psychodrama among supervisors and trainers in different countries and to stimulate further discussion and development.

    Supervision as Transformation

    Supervision as Transformation

    Retail Price: $51.54

    Our Price: $43.61 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.93 (15%)

    This book will be an invaluable resource for anyone working in the helping professions, for whom supervision is an integral part of their work.

    Inspiring Creative Supervision

    Retail Price: $49.56

    Our Price: $39.65 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.91 (20%)

    This book proposes using many different techniques and materials, as well as the rich experience of the imagination and the senses, and encourages the reader to go beyond the formal demands of their role, and feel inspired by creativity, spontaneity and experiential work. The authors draw together theory, research and practical exercises, and provide ideas for setting up and running creative supervision sessions, including how to get started

    An Integrative Approach to Therapy and Supervision: A Practical Guide for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

    An Integrative Approach to Therapy and Supervision: A Practical Guide for Counsellors and Psychotherapists

    Retail Price: $55.51

    Our Price: $47.58 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $7.93 (14%)

    An Integrative Approach to Therapy and Supervision presents an innovative and flexible model for therapy and supervision practice.

    Existential Perspectives on Supervision

    Retail Price: $79.31

    Our Price: $69.39 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.92 (13%)

    Designed both for trainees and more seasoned professionals, whatever their theoretical orientation, it makes a clear case for seeing existential perspectives on supervision as complementary to, rather than as a substitute for, other forms of supervision.

    Passionate Supervision

    Retail Price: $51.54

    Our Price: $41.63 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.91 (19%)

    This book presents examples of good practice which will help readers to enhance their own supervisory relationships.Robin Shohet brings together supervisors from the fields of consultancy, education, coaching, psychotherapy, youth work and homeopathy, many of whom have been supervising for over 20 years.

    Supervising and Being Supervised: A Practice in Search of a Theory

    Retail Price: $79.31

    Our Price: $69.39 (with free UK delivery)

    You Save: $9.92 (13%)

    Supervision is an essential constituent of analytic and psychotherapy training and a crucial part of ongoing professional development for all practitioners. In spite of this, little formal theory about supervision has been developed and, for the most part, learning to supervise has progressed using a simple apprenticeship model. Supervising and Being Supervised aims to rectify this situation.