Trauma Aid UK

Using Stories in EMDR: A Guide to the Storytelling (Narrative) Approach in EMDR Therapy
Our Price: £16.99 (with free UK delivery)
Using Stories in EMDR is a comprehensive guide to the incorporation of storytelling into the practice of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR Consultants Resources Book (Paperback 2nd Edition)
Our Price: £17.50 (with free UK delivery)
A completely revised second edition including a wealth of new information. Includes articles on case formulation, completing supervisees’ accreditation forms, applying supervision theory to the process of EMDR supervision as well as new checklists, a sample supervision contract and the introduction to the recently published NHS Competency Framework for EMDR.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR Case Formulation: Principles, Forms, Scripts & Worksheets
Our Price: £10.99 (with free UK delivery)
Direct from Francine Shapiro herself, outlines and summarises in simple, direct language how EMDR is best applied, all the way through the three prongs and the eight stages. Greatly prized by newcomers still getting used to the protocol, but invaluable too for older hands concerned to keep their practise sharp.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

VoC’SUDs Children Version
Our Price: £10.50 (with free UK delivery)
A4 sized laminated sheet. One side shows the SUD and VOC in visual form illustrated by a series of facial expressions. Client is asked to point to place on scale that represents their SUD or VOC. Reverse side shows list of common Negative and Positive Cognitions suitable for children to choose from.
Proceeds for this sheet go to Trauma Aid UK.

VoC’SUDs Adult Version
Our Price: £10.50 (with free UK delivery)
A4 sized laminated sheet. One side shows the SUD and VOC in visual form illustrated by a series of facial expressions. Client is asked to point to place on scale that represents their SUD or VOC. Reverse side shows list of common Negative and Positive Cognitions for client to choose from.
Proceeds for this sheet go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR and Mourning
Our Price: £10.99 (with free UK delivery)
First class summary by Dutch senior EMDR trainer Joany Spierings of the nature and quality of bereavement, and how EMDR can be used to address the pain of loss that has become stuck and facilitate the process of healthy grieving.
Proceeds for this book go to Trauma Aid UK.

EMDR Protocol Pad
Our Price: £10.50 (with free UK delivery)
Possibly HAP’s best-seller, and a useful summary of the entire basic EMDR protocol on one side of A4, in two columns on a big pad, a new sheet for each target, guiding you through the steps in order, with space to make notes. Especially valuable for therapists starting out on EMDR.
Proceeds for this pad go to Trauma Aid UK.