Pre and Perinatal Psychology

Womb Life: Wonders and challenges of pregnancy, the foetus’ journey and birth
Our Price: £9.50 (with free UK delivery)
In this trailblazing book, leading psychotherapist Graham Music explores the latest scientific findings on pregnancy and the incredible life of the foetus. We see how mother and baby can bond while sharing one body and how a tiny foetus actively learns from its environment. Take a look at Dr Music’s own website for details of his great on-line courses –

A Transactional Analysis of Motherhood and Disturbances in the Maternal: From Pre-conception to Human Being
Our Price: £25.49 (with free UK delivery)
Grounded in research and clinical experience and with plenty of case examples, this book provides a relational Transactional Analysis diagnosis and treatment strategy to give immediate relief for maternal mental illness.

The Routledge International Handbook of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders
Our Price: £177.50 (with free UK delivery)
The Routledge International Handbook of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders comprehensively presents the leading, global research in understanding and clinically treating perinatal mental health disorders.
Recommended Titles
Recommended titles by experts in the field.

What Therapists Need to Know About Perinatal and Early Relational Health: A Guide to Anti-Oppressive Counseling with Caregivers, Babies, and Young Children
Our Price: £25.99 (with free UK delivery)
What Therapists Need to Know About Perinatal and Early Relational Health offers practical strategies that are rooted in diversity-informed tenets and support reflection on our values, beliefs, and experiences. By embracing the wisdom within these pages, therapists can transform their practice into one that is more relational and heart centered.

Prenatal Bonding Analysis: The Invisible Umbilical Cord
Our Price: £27.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book presents a novel psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic method which enables expectant mothers to establish communication with their unborn babies.

Finding Your Way with Your Baby: The Emotional Life of Parents and Babies (Second Edition)
Our Price: £15.63 (with free UK delivery)
Finding Your Way with Your Baby explores the emotional experience of the baby in the first year and that of the mother, father and other significant adults.

Spirit into Form: Exploring Embryological Potential and Prenatal Psychology
Our Price: £37.99 (with free UK delivery)
Spirit into Form invites you to explore with mindful, embodied awareness your earliest experiences in this life with curiosity, compassion and creativity. It guides you through developmental milestones, starting with pre-conception, through conception, coming into physical form as an embryo, negotiating the birth canal and hopefully being welcomed at birth.

Change: Birthing and Parenting at Times of Crisis
Our Price: £34.99 (with free UK delivery)
The new reality asks them to re-visit their parenting modes, understand the essence of it all and lead themselves and their children, still in gestation or already born and growing up, to a new homeostasis

Cultivating Mindfulness to Raise Children Who Thrive: Why Human Connection from Before Birth Matters
Our Price: £29.43 (with free UK delivery)
Cultivating Mindfulness to Raise Children Who Thrive introduces an expanded view of human development and health, which begins before conception and moves through pregnancy, early childhood and adulthood.

Transitions to Wholeness: Integrating Prenatal, Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology
Our Price: £31.50 (with free UK delivery)
Transitions to Wholeness: Integrating Prenatal, Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology, is the outcome of more than two decades of dedicated research work and clinical practice as a psychotherapist and craniosacral therapist working therapeutically with womb and birth experience.

Supporting Vulnerable Babies and Young Children: Interventions for Working with Trauma, Mental Health, Illness and Other Complex Challenges
Our Price: £24.99 (with free UK delivery)
The diverse challenges that clinicians and children’s workers tasked with safeguarding babies and young children face are complex, and this unique book looks at effective, practice-based and evidence-informed approaches to working across a wide range of issues.

Once Upon A Time in Embryoland: An adventure story for young children
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)

It’s Never Too Late: Healing Prebirth And Birth At Any Age
Our Price: £14.50 (with free UK delivery)
Following her breakthrough book, The Secret Life of Babies, Dr Mia Kalef now deepens her exploration of human sentience before conception and during birth. E-book available at This groundbreaking guide has been described as, “…required reading for all health professionals, especially those involved in childbirth and mental health.”
This title will take 4-6 weeks to supply.

Prenatal Psychology 100 Years: A Journey in Decoding How Our Prenatal Experience Shapes Who We Become!
Our Price: £25.50 (with free UK delivery)
In this book, you will find a complete guide as to what we now know in the field of Prenatal Psychology and you can get vital keys to understanding how our primal experience shapes who we become.

An Integrative Approach to Treating Babies and Children
Our Price: £21.99 (with free UK delivery)
Working with babies and children is most successful when therapists have a complete understanding and overview of all appropriate treatment options, and the effects of early influences on child health and development. This book shows therapists how to consider these factors in order to work more effectively within their individual areas of expertise.

Early Trauma: Pregnancy, Birth and the First Years of Life
Our Price: £18.50 (with free UK delivery)
This book is a collection of essays on the topic of pre-, peri- and post-natal issues that are traumatising for the Infant. Professor Franz Ruppert is the editor of the book and contributes three essays. The other 16 essays are written by practitioners who work with his theories and method, bringing their own particular interest and expertise to understanding this subject of early trauma.

Surviving the Early Years: The Importance of Early Intervention with Babies at Risk
Our Price: £18.49 (with free UK delivery)
This book considers the principal physical and psychological ideas and thoughts of what happens to parents from the moment they conceive. The discussion covers mothers who have become vulnerable due to “external” circumstances and provides different models to help overcome this process.

The Secret Life of Babies: How Our Prebirth and Birth Experiences Shape Our World
Our Price: £13.99 (with free UK delivery)
A bold affirmation that we are sentient before conception and in the womb, The Secret Life of Babies reveals author Mia Kalef’s groundbreaking findings: babies are able to remember their earliest experiences, this consciousness precedes the physical development of the brain itself, and medical interventions during birth–like forceps and Cesareans–can imprint our relationships with the world and disconnect us from our sustainable place in the ecosystem.

Windows to the Womb: Revealing the Conscious Baby from Conception to Birth
Our Price: £15.29 (with free UK delivery)
Windows to the Womb is an eloquent guide through the first nine months of life from conception to birth.

Womb Twin Survivors: The Lost Twin in the Dream of the Womb
Our Price: £17.99 (with free UK delivery)
This book will be of great interest to medical professionals, psychotherapists and of course womb twin survivors and their families. Complete with stories by womb twin survivors in their own words, illustrations, case studies and appendices.

Signs of Autism in Infants: Recognition and Early Intervention
Our Price: £33.99 (with free UK delivery)
International researchers and clinicians renowned for their work in the field of early autism come together to resolve queries around the long debate on the development and resolution of autism.

The Unborn Child: Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming Problems of Early Origin
Our Price: £32.99 (with free UK delivery)
The Unborn Child is essential reading for parents, potential parents and grandparents, as well as professionals with responsibility for children, and bringing babies into the world. This book describes prenatal and perinatal development, considering the legacy of health from both parents and grandparents. It explores the effects of the mother’s mental and physical state during pregnancy, on the physiology and psychology of her expected child.

Infant-Parent Psychotherapy: A Handbook
Our Price: £39.50 (with free UK delivery)
This is a comprehensive handbook, full of vital information on the theory and practice of infant-parent psychotherapy, that will revolutionise the treatment of babies.