The Simple Guide to Collective Trauma: What It Is, How It Affects Us and How to Help

Retail Price: $14.27

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Author: Betsy de Thierry

Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Published: 21/07/2021

ISBN: 9781787757882

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· What is collective trauma?
· How can it impact children and communities?
· What can we do about it?

Providing accessible answers to these complex questions and more, this guide explores the key characteristics of collective trauma and provides practical advice on how to help children, young people and communities to heal.

Collective trauma affects communities, families and individuals. This book highlights its impacts and with examples such as grief and loss, outlines how it can manifest. With guidance on building individual, communal and cultural resilience, this book is an invaluable resource to better understand and support children and young people dealing with collective trauma.
