Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders: Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality Disorders. (2nd Edition)

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Author: Len Sperry

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 31/10/2013

ISBN: 9780415861151

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders is a timely addition to clinical practice, as personality disorders have received steadily increasing attention in recent years and Cognitive Behavior Therapy is now the most widely practiced theoretical orientation. Thoroughly revised from the first edition, the book offers an overview of the field, with significant updates to reflect the most recent advances in CBT in the treatment of personality disorders. Invaluable as both a text and a professional reference, it emphasizes developmental psychopathology and integrative CBT treatment conceptualizations. It provides busy clinicians with the most effective practical clinical strategies – illustrated with compelling case material – that they need to work effectively with personality-disordered individuals.
